빠른 PDF 리더 Foxit Reader v3.0 Build 1222으로 업데이트

 초경량 PDF리더 "Foxit Reader 3.0"이 일부 문제점을 개선하여 Build 1222으로 업데이트 되었습니다.

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☞ 관련리뷰
2008/05/02 - [업무/개인/교육/문서편집/뷰어/오피스] - 최고의 속도를 자랑하는 PDF리더 - Foxit PDF Reader

☞ 개선사항
-The annotations added by the typewriter tool will be rotated along with the page.
-Popup "Mozilla Firefox is not installed." when users failed to install Firefox plug-in.
-May take a long time to open a file in Windows Vista Home version.
-This updated version allows users to delete the advertisements.
-The Auto-Rotate feature may be unavailable when printing with Snapshot tool.
-Go back to the default settings of the printer properties when users reopen the PDF files.
-This updated version will choose to print documents in actual size mode or fit to paper mode based on the default settings in the print dialog box with Command lines.
-Page numbers are printed in a disorderly way when printing multiple copies in double-side mode.
-The slow launch speed when running Foxit Reader for the first time after the system startup.